Voice Coaching and Vocal Instruction
Welcome To My Multi-Tiered Website!
My name is Doe Kelly (yes, that’s right, as in “Doe a deer!”). I am a degreed singer (classically trained), a performer/entertainer (or so I’ve been told), and a vocal coach and voice instructor, for both sung and spoken word.
I live, teach and perform in the Longmont-Boulder area of Colorado, USA.
Rather than separate these several aspects of what I do professionally for a living, into more than one website, I have decided to include them in separate categories, but under the very same umbrella, called “Doe Kelly Voice.”
Whether you are in the market for a vocal instructor, a coach, or a person (or even persons, plural) who can perform for whatever your organizational needs happen to be, you may have just come to the right place at the right time!
Please visit my Voice Performance page if you wish to consider hiring me as a performer. There you will find outlined the type of performances I am currently engaged in creating, as well as photos of a number of performances I’ve done in recent (or not so recent!) times…..
If you are someone who has wanted to sing but hasn’t, for whatever the fear or justification, and is now just summoning up your nerve to maybe dip that first little pinky-toe into that scary water, in the hopes of seeing something change and improve in your life, please see my Transformational Voice page…
If you are already knowing that music is a part of your path and journey, and you are wanting not only a capable instructor who will treat you as the whole person you are, but who will also challenge you musically and, essentially, personally, to push your edge…..see my Vocal Coaching / Instruction page…..
If you are someone who is or has been involved in alternative healing arts with a proclivity to study with another like-minded, I invite you to visit my learn more about Holistic Voice page…..
If you are not sure what brought you to this page but feel a pull towards something here, please feel free to nose around the entire site, because, you just never know what you might find, and it could be your….very….own…Self!
To learn about me and my background as both a singer and a holistically inclined individual, and where I’m coming from when I teach, see my About page….
To read what people have both said to me as well as written about me, see my Testimonials page…
To learn about recording projects I’ve been involved in, and things to come, and to experience one or more brief videos that I have put together for your pleasure and enjoyment, please see my Albums page…
CAVEAT/NOTE TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: I am currently accepting for in-house studies only those students who have chosen to remain as a part of the “great unjabbed” population. Being an unjabbed individual, myself, and having studied the less than desirable aspects of these shots (hastily foisted by monied and other interests upon an unsuspecting population) I have great compassion for those who have taken one or more jabs. Nevertheless, I remain committed that I will work in person only with the unjabbed, until there is more known about this phenomenon known as “shedding” which, sadly, occurs from the jabbed to the unjabbed. I am choosing to avoid this possibility for the time being, by setting this boundary. You are, however, welcome to study with me online, and may wish to inquire, as I do have several students who are among the jabbed, and who study remotely!
Please follow me on Facebook …