Here you will find (mostly unsolicited) testimonials, remarks and acknowledgments, thank you notes, from students, audience members, friends, and simply people who have engaged me to sing for special occasions, and then, afterward, desired to thank me…..
“Doe Kelly is the voice of the new world. She carries the frequencies of love in her tones that are so very sought after in this world. Here at last, is someone that can teach us to use our vocal intonations to heal ourselves and the world around us. Allow the soothing tones of Doe’s beautiful voice to carry you to the place where healing begins. Join her in her quest to bring the voices of the Earth children to the healing frequencies of love and so change the way we create the world, by creating in the songs of love.” Michelle Many, Teacher, Lecturer, Author Holistic Mountain.
“hi Doe – The show could hardly have done better! Except for the weather – had to play indoors. But my voice did everything I asked of it. I could tell from the first few notes of sound check I was going to have a good night. I even had some “shout” power on my highest notes, which is kind of a new thing for me. The Harley dealership wants to invite us back, maybe in fall or winter. Couldn’t have done it without you!” J.J., Medical Transcriptionist, Lead Singer, Rock Cover Band, Thornton, CO.
“thank you, doe for the birthday wish and helping me find my voice. it’s been so satisfying and rich.” Jane, Office Manager, Boulder, CO.
“I’m so touched by your kind offer and your continued interest in my progress. I would very dearly love to continue our work, and I am so appreciative of you agreeing to meet me halfway to make that possible….I’m very glad of the lessons I take from you, and the experience of knowing you.” V. L., Theater Student, Firestone, CO.
“Thank you for understanding…I had some kind of 24 hour bug (I work with lots of children so it isn’t uncommon). The date has been changed AGAIN for the auditions. Feeling a little frustrated but I sure am glad that I have a great vocal coach! Thank you for understanding my situation….and for the support you lend for my voice!” A. Y., Social Worker & Singer, Arvada, CO.
“Thank you for the amazing session yesterday! I’m paying attention to my jaw and making ‘blah, blah, blah’ sounds!” Sue G., Graphic Designer, Niwot, CO.
“Somehow you’ve created a space in which I feel comfortable, even excited, to stretch in places I’ve never been encouraged to before. And I leave that place, lighter, brighter, possessing more of myself. “ J.L., Artist and Group Facilitator, Boulder, CO.
“I am a current undergrad going into my third year; I’m getting at B.F.A with a focus in Acting. I’ve been singing since I can remember, throughout high school I was always in choir, and up at University I’ve been a part of musicals and had voice lessons and such; but recently in the past few years I had noticed that I no longer felt comfortable singing in a soprano range and therefore moved to singing primarily alto- even though most of my life I had though of myself as a soprano. That’s where Doe came in. I had been looking for a voice teacher to help me with this while I was home in Colorado for the summer and I found Doe, I decided to check it out, and I am so glad I did. We worked on warm up techniques to get me back into the habit of using my head voice. She helped me to discover that I still could sing soprano, I just had to have the correct mindset and warm up. We also worked on breathing techniques that have not only helped me with my singing voice, but with my speaking voice as well. I will be able to use the techniques we have worked on for a long time and I am so thankful to have worked with such a lovely and talented individual, I would highly suggest investing your time and energy into working with Doe because it is well worth it. Leah C., University Student in Theater, Denver, CO + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Thank you letters, notes, and acknowledgments to do with a variety of performances and performance types…..
Unsolicited remarks from a memorial service co-participant in Spring, 2014:
“Hi Doe; Boy, the rave reviews are in . Mary Lu says your solos made the Memorial. The silence after Danny Boy was truly palpable, I think everyone was, well, happily stunned. It was wonderful.” Allan Stuart, Jazz Pianist, Solo Performer, Composer, San Luis Valley, CO.
Comments / feedback from an old friend after viewing a video of parts of a concert I did for an elderly friend in late 2013:
“Hi Doe, I just got in from my trip to Long Island and viewed the video. Your voice is spectacularly lovely, beautiful, powerful with a quality I can barely find words to express. Radiance turned into sound? Fullness and delicacy, like a flower opening its petals! Joyful. Your voice (and you’re very telegenic plus your playful spirit shines through) is so appealing and compelling that I find myself wanting to hear more, and so will everyone else who hears it. Really, Doe, so expressive, lovely, and pure it casts a spell……it was hard for me not to think ‘What is she doing singing there (bless you for doing that and bringing such pleasure and healing energy to the elderly) when she belongs on the world stage?’…….” Kathy Kass, Hypnotherapist, Mystic, long time friend, Wethersfield, CT.
“Loreena McKennitt, Kiri Te Kanawa! You have a voice like an angel…!!!” Ron Russell, Caseworker, Catholic Charities and Visionary Artist, Aurora, CO.
“That CD is fantastic!! Thank you so much, I didn’t tell you I bought a Bose sound system for myself for Christmas, so I have a great system to play it on!! You have a gorgeous voice! It is now officially a part of my Christmas traditions.” L. Harkness, OT, Retired, Longmont.
“Just want to let you know that every resident I meet that was at program is raving about your beautiful voice. One resident told me that she has never ever heard such a smooth, effortless voice in her life! You did an awesome job“ S.P.K., RA, Boulder, CO “Your performance was the highlight of the afternoon!” P. Waggener, Retired, Boulder, CO.
“I just can’t believe your performance last night, I just have….I still have goose bumps, I haven’t gotten over it, it was just amazing, but I was sooo convinced, I was right there with you as an 18 year old girl……oh, and I’ve seen live performances of Phantom of the Opera, two of them, and even sat in the front, but they didn’t compare to what you did last night, Doe, oh my God!” C. Reber, Former Activities Director, Boulder, CO.
“Dear Doe……How can we ever thank you for singing the Ave Maria? It was the single most moving part of the ceremony – if only it had been recorded. We looked at each other and choked back the tears of happiness. It had captured a perfect moment of love and unity. In short, we couldn’t believe our ears! We will never forget the sound of your utterly flawless “Ave.” This note is the best we can do – it was better than we could ever describe. Thanks a million for such an unforgettable moment. All our best, Cathy and John.” Cathy and John, New York City “Dear Doe – My mother adored your Singing Mother’s Day Telegram. She said she laughed her head off, and when I visited her, I couldn’t find it, so I guess it’s true” Jeanette G. – Livemore, CO Conference Organizer, Editor.
“Your performance last night was great, really……impressive!” K. Aronson, Activities Director, Boulder, CO “Had we been playing your music at some of our meetings with the Soviets during the 60s and 70s, the Cold War would have ended twenty years sooner. .” Dr. Joe Ryan – Former Chief Scientist and Director of Operations Analysis for USAFE (US Air Forces in Europe), Seattle, WA.
“I’ve heard those songs all of my life, but until today I never had a real experience of what the words were saying; Thank You!” Swami V., Ganeshpuri, India.
“Thank you so much for the singing telegram you sang my mom, she so loved it! You are an angel of the highest order!” C.H., Administrator, Eugene, OR.
“Here is the picture. Hope you like it. You were GREAT!!!!” Alfred L., Retired GE Executive, Boulder, CO.
“I’ve cried maybe three times in my life, and today, during your songs, was one of them.” Chris, Head of Security, Ganeshpuri, India.
“Doe – Your telegram was just great! I never saw my wife blush or laugh so hard. Great lyrics!” Larry S. – Therapist, New York City.
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